The New York Academy of Sciences has so many areas that they investigate that choosing just one to highlight can be difficult. The Environmental Sciences and Sustainability topic is particularly interesting, and there's enough material here to warrant several return visits. For example, the article entitled "Flood-Resilient Waterfront Development in New York City: Bridging Flood Insurance,...
"Like all great endeavors gardening is both a science and an art", and this new feature from the Exploratorium uses video clips, interactives, photos, and articles to make this point in way that will appeal to visitors of all ages. For example, the interactive Garden Variety presents basic facts (vitals), information on seeds, and lore, for vegetables and fruits such as peas and carrots, corn,...
While scientists have been talking about global warming for several decades, attempting to get politicians of different political stripes to act on these pressing matters has been frustrating for many people. This provocative and thoughtful documentary from Frontline takes a look at the "political decisions that have prevented the United States government from confronting one of the most serious...
As the price of fuel continues to rise, this site continues to be as timely as when it first came online in October 1999. The site is maintained by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and it provides fuel-saving tips, fuel economy estimates, and so on. From the homepage, visitors can click through sections...
The link between geology and human health may not seem obvious, but it many ways geology can affect public health in a variety of crucial ways. Certainly, the relationship between geological factors and water and air quality is one that continues to interest policy makers and others. This site explores these issues, and it was created by the people at Carleton College's Professional Development...
Number of Rare E. Coli Cases in U.S. Rose Last Year
Economic costs of E. Coli outbreak
EU boosts E. Coli compensation offer for farmers,,15141284,00.html
Q&A: E. Coli...
The Get Body Smart site was created in 2000 by Scott Sheffield. He's been teaching human anatomy and physiology for over 20 years and the site is an important source of high-quality information on both fields. As it is an online textbook, the subject areas here on the homepage include Skeletal System, Nervous System, and Histology. Each of these areas includes an introductory tutorial, along with...
Many have wondered, "What will become of the world's forests?" It's an important question, especially given the pressures presently facing forests from Moscow to Mozambique. Recently, The World Bank asked the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) to convene a group of key stakeholders in order to consider this question. Over 600 forest experts responded to IIED's survey or...
Open-access peer-reviewed journals continue to grow in number and in scope, and those dealing with the future of public health are no exception. One of the latest is Globalization and Health, which provides “a platform for research, knowledge sharing and debate on the topic of globalization and its effects on health, both positive and negative.” With such a broad range, it is no surprise that the...
The Great Lakes Information Network developed this website to "broadcast critical information about beach closings and educational content on human health concerns." The website provides the latest news on erosion control projects, contamination and cleanup efforts, beach testing efforts, and other environmental news. Users can explore monitoring data and maps by location. The website also...