Established in 1996, the DAISY Consortium comprises an association of organizations around the world committed to "develop[ing] global solutions for accessible publishing and reading" in support of the consortium's vision that "people have equal access to information and knowledge regardless of disability." DAISY, which stands for Digital Accessible Information System, developed a set of audio...
In an attempt to "start a debate in our profession," William L. Goffe and Robert P. Parks have recently uploaded "The Future Information Structure in Economics" to the Economics Working Paper Archive at Washington University at St. Louis. Although the paper uses the Economics profession as an example, the points it raises can be applied to almost any academic subject. The paper discusses the...
This resource is designed to help those who create and maintain Websites ensure that those sites are usable and stable. The site was put together by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), originally for use by NCI staff, but the Institute decided to make the site publicly accessible since many principles of good design and usability are generally applicable to most Websites. The resources here span...
This site, provided by Writers Write, Inc., hosts a wealth of information for practicing or would-be writers, publishers, and editors. The main Writers Write site contains numerous writing resources, including guidelines to paying and nonpaying online publications, writing and publishing news, message boards, and job listings.