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ArXiv: Math

ArXiv is an e-print service owned, operated and funded by Cornell University, and partially funded by the National Science Foundation. The database includes articles online in the fields of physics, mathematics, nonlinear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. From the Mathematics section, visitors can search for related articles on topics by using an online search form with various...

BookWire, "the first place to look for book information on the world wide web," offers many literary and publishing sites, including the Hungry Mind Review and the Boston Book Review, as well as links to publishers, authors, and booksellers.

Since the advent of the internet, a number of artists and related organizations have become interested in utilizing the web to promulgate new forms of artistic creation and their subsequent dissemination. Supported by the Arts Council of England, these Diffusion eBooks are essentially pdf files that readers can download, print out and make into booklets. As the site suggests, "the Diffusion format...
EBONI: Electronic Textbook Design Guidelines

A project of the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), EBONI's Electronic Textbook Design Guidelines is a list of baseline standards for the design of hypertext books. Created by Ruth Wilson and Monica Landoni of the Computer and Information Science Department at the University of Strathclyde, UK, the guidelines were established to encourage the use of styles and techniques that have been...
Mathematics: MIT OpenCourseWare

Interested in integers? Fascinated by fractals? The MIT OpenCourseWare Mathematics website can assist you with your quest for knowledge where visitors have access to all of the materials this institution has contributed over the past few years. Users will note that there are over four dozen courses here, complete with syllabi, lecture notes, and even in some cases video lectures and other audio...
PaperPersists: Why Physical Library Collections Still Matter

This article, provided by Walt Crawford of the Research Libraries Group in Online's January 1998 issue, makes a powerful argument that paper will continue to be an indispensible information medium in the forseeable future for both libraries and people in general. Among its conclusions: future information will be available in paper, electronic, linear and hypertext formats, and libraries will...
Postmodern Culture

Somehow it is not surprising that a journal titled Postmodern Culture would find a home on the Internet, which itself is a bricoleur of many different forms and styles, akin to the very notion of postmodernism. Located online since 1990, Postmodern Culture "has become the leading electronic journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures." The journal itself is published by The Johns...
PR Newswire (PRN)

Once offered only to its members and to subscribers of fee-based online retrieval services, PR Newswire is now freely available on the Internet. Users of the site may choose to view the day's 100 most recent stories, search by keyword, or browse by industry type, company name, ticker symbol, or state. Of particular interest to Internauts is the "Industry Focus: Technology" page (available from the...
Rights-L: Digital Rights Management Listserv

This new mailing list stemmed from discussions on digital rights management (DRM) at the Managing Digital Video workshop held this past August in Atlanta, Georgia. The list is designed to provide a forum "to discuss possible cooperative development of a DRM implementation for R&E, and to enable workshop participants to communicate about work being conducted in this area." Some of the first...

For many users, Scalar is the next step in digital, online, open source writing. It combines the functionality of a blog with the focus and length of an e-book. It also enables authors - even relatively un-techy authors - to assemble videos, infographics, music, and other media from around the web, easily, conveniently, and seamlessly. While the service seeks to strike a balance between...
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