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United States -- History

1783-1865 (8)
17th century (4)
1815-1861 (2)
1865-1921 (3)
18th century (16)
1919-1933 (4)
1933-1945 (7)
1945- (1)
1969- (1)
19th century (40)
20th century (33)
Archival resources (17)
Archives (14)
Audio-visual aids (1)
Blogs (2)
Chronology (4)
Civil War, 1861-1865 (65)
Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 (14)
Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775. (5)
Colonial period, ca.1600-1775 (1)
Computer network resources (11)
Exhibitions (11)
Interactive multimedia (1)
Maps (1)
Outlines, syllabi, etc. (1)
Periodicals (5)
Personal narratives (1)
Photographs (9)
Research (2)
Revolution, 1775-1783 (33)
Sources (54)
Study and teaching (26)
War of 1812 (4)



From the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities comes BackStory with the American History Guys, a radio show and podcast dedicated to exploring the history behind a number of current events, popular trends, and other contemporary phenomenon. "The History Guys" who host each episode are Peter Onuf, Professor Emeritus of American History at the University of Virginia; Ed Ayers, Professor of...
Ben Franklin's World

Ben Franklin's World offers listeners an excellent avenue to learn about a myriad of aspects of early American history, as well as the historian's craft. This weekly podcast is hosted by historian Liz Covart, who is also the Digital Projects Editor at the College of William and Mary's Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture. Episodes are typically structured around an interview...
Brooklyn Daily Eagle Online, 1841-1902

Sometimes referred to as "the borough of homes and churches," Brooklyn has long been an urban community that has captured the attention of the United States and the rest of the world. For over a century, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle chronicled the community's history while under the reins of a host of well-regarded editors, including Walt Whitman. This Web site, which is a collaboration between the...
C-Span: American Writers

The original series, "American Writers: A Journey Through History," aired on C-SPAN from March 2001 to July 2002 and explored the history of the United States through the lives and works of the writers who shaped the ideas and emotions of America's citizens. Episodes examined the writings of William Bradford, Abraham Lincoln, Lewis and Clark, Betty Frieden, James Baldwin, Jack Kerouac, Walter...
Calvin Coolidge: 30th President of the United States

Sponsored by the Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation, this site contains important historical material about the president who garnered the sobriquet "Silent Cal." Along with a variety of galleries featuring rotating exhibits of visual material related to President Coolidge, there is an archive of his speeches ranging from his time as governor of Massachusetts to his time as President. There is...
Colonial House - PBS

Preview the newest installment in public television's hands-on history series, following Frontier House, Manor House, and 1900 House. Set in 1628, Colonial House will be broadcast in May. At the website, there are audio and video diaries in which the twenty-eight colonists from the UK and US give accounts of their experiences learning to live in 1628. Also provided is a map of the village and...

Conelrad is a site devoted to all aspects of atomic culture in the United States, presented in an informative and visual stimulating fashion. Founded in April 1999 by two Cold War veterans, Ken Sitz and Bill Geerhart, the site is a vast clearinghouse of articles, interviews, book reviews, and visual and audio documents related to the post-WWII atomic culture that flourished for close to two...

Is the United States government in the business of making films? As it turns out, the answer is a hearty "Yes". As part of a joint venture between the National Technical Information Service and Public.Resource.Org, the Internet Archive has created this excellent archive of government training films from the past six decades. As with other Internet Archive thematic collections, visitors will find a...
Founding Fathers Info Guide

Created and maintained by Chris Whitten, this site is devoted to telling the story of the United States during its first few decades of existence, with a special emphasis on the lives of the American Presidents during this period. Different sections of the site contain photo galleries (primarily consisting of portraits), a history of the American flag, quotations from the founding fathers, and a...
France in America

A partnership between the Library of Congress and the Bibliothèque nationale de France has produced this digital research library "that tells the story of the French presence in America and the interactions between the French and American peoples from the early 16th to the late 19th centuries." Presented in both French and English, the collection includes maps and many types of documents and...
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