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National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 14: Did NATO Win the Cold War?

In light of the 50th anniversary of NATO, Vojtech Mastny has written "Did NATO Win the Cold War? Looking over the Wall," an article that views the history of NATO "from the other side." To supplement his article, which appears in the May-June 1999 issue of Foreign Affairs, the author and the National Security Archive (see the September 20, 1996 Scout Report) have compiled 23 documents to provide...
The Centre for the Study of Global Governance

Established in 1992 at the London School of Economics and Political Science, the Centre for the Study of Global Governance with a substantial grant from the Maurice Laing and Rufford Foundations. As the website notes, the centre's mission is "to inquire into the origins and nature of urgent problems facing the globe, to inform by way of public lectures, seminars, and discussion, and to influence...
United States Institute Of Peace (USIP)

The US INSTITUTE OF PEACE web pages contain information regarding conflict resolution, negotiation theory, and specific resources pertaining ot Northern Ireland and South Africa. There is information on programs and organizations in conflict resolution and peace studies, and a general reference section that includes primarily general government resources. There are also links to journals and...
World Policy Institute

The World Policy Institute, located within the New School University since 1991, is concerned with promoting and engaging the public debate and scholarship surrounding international diplomacy and world politics. As such, the Institute seeks to "offer innovative policy proposals for public debate with the goal of developing an internationalist consensus on the measures needed for the management of...
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