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International relations -- Research institutes


Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard was originally founded in 1973 by Paul Doty, when its original gaol was to revive serious analysis of nuclear dangers and arms control. In 1997, the Center was re-endowed, and its primary mission became "to provide leadership in advancing policy-relevant knowledge about the international security and other critical issues where...
Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs

Established in 1914, the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs was created by the noted philanthropist Andrew Carnegie with the lofty and admirable goal of working towards world peace. Today the Council continues to be a well-known forum for research and education in a number of areas, including ethics and international policy. On their homepage, visitors can learn about some of...
MIT Center for International Studies

Over fifty years ago, MIT founded the Center for International Studies "to conduct research to help the United States in its cold war struggle against the Soviet Union." It goes without saying that they have expanded their mission far in subsequent years, and they are now also interested in researching and teaching development studies, comparative politics, and other related areas. Visitors can...