From the San Diego Supercomputer Center, "the Biology WorkBench allows biologists to search many popular protein and nucleic acid sequence databases." After the free registration, users have access to a variety of molecular data sequencing and visualization tools through "a common point-and-click Web interface." New users may want to select the tutorials link, which includes several documents that...
The DNA Data Bank of Japan collects DNA sequence data and assigns internationally recognized accession numbers mainly from Japanese researchers. It is one of the International DNA Databases that shares data on a daily basis with the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL) and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI); as a result, all three sources should provide the same...
Gramene is a "curated, open-source, Web-accessible data resource for comparative genome analysis in the grasses," funded by the United States Department of Agriculture. The searchable database, containing data derived from related public projects, may be queried with the rice genome browser, blast search, map search, or phenotype search, to name just a few. Gramene is frequently updated; recent...
As part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Human Genome Research Institute's (NHGRI) Division of Intramural Research (DIR) conducts research regarding the genetic component of human disease. The Homeodomain Resource presents "an annotated collection of non-redundant protein sequences, three-dimensional structures, and genomic information for the homeodomain protein family."...
The National Center for Biotechnology Information presents the first full release of all NCBI Reference Sequence (RefSeq) records. RefSeq "aims to provide a comprehensive, integrated, non-redundant set of sequences, including genomic DNA, transcript (RNA), and protein products for major research organisms." The database currently includes over 785,000 proteins from numerous organisms, and...
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) of the National Library of Medicine offers the Trace Archive -- "a repository of the raw sequence traces generated by large sequencing projects." The Trace Archive is the sole source of raw sequence data for projects that rely on a Whole Genome Shotgun strategy. Users can search the archive by BLAST or by a number of other query options. The...
The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database "is a catalog of human genes and genetic disorders authored and edited by Dr. Victor A. McKusick and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins University and elsewhere, and developed for the World Wide Web by NCBI, the National Center for Biotechnology Information." OMIM was designed primarily for health professionals working with genetic disorders,...
This database from the University of California and the San Diego Supercomputer Center "is part of the Plant Genome Program for the National Science Foundation." The information contained within the site focuses on genes involved in transport and uptake of plant nutrients. Users can perform a variety of different searches and limit the results by species, if desired. Users can also register to...
The Microbial Ecology Group of Munich's University of Technology has recently launched probeBase, "a comprehensive database containing published rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe sequences, DNA microarray layouts and associated information." Users may search for sequences by target organism, which "can assist in the development of new rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for fluorescence in situ...
Created by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, UniGene is "an experimental system for automatically partitioning GenBank sequences into a non-redundant set of gene-oriented clusters." In addition to gene sequences, this Web site also offers thousands of novel expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences, a useful gene discovery resource. Organisms currently cataloged include human, rat,...