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Journal of Neurochemistry

Journal of Neurochemistry, the official journal of the International Society for Neurochemistry is "devoted to the molecular, chemical, and cellular biology of the nervous system."
JSTOR: Ecological Applications

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Ecological Applications, Vols. 1-8, 1991-1998. Newer...
JSTOR: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, Vols....
JSTOR: Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Philosophical Transactions: Mathematical, Physical and...
JSTOR: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United...
JSTOR: Proceedings: Biological Sciences

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal have were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Proceedings: Biological Sciences, Vols. 241-264,...
JSTOR: Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering...
JSTOR: The Scholarly Journal Archive

JSTOR aims to "build a reliable and comprehensive archive of important scholarly journal literature" and make them available to the scholarly community. Journals from ten fields ranging from Asian Studies to Sociology can be accessed through JSTOR at the moment. JSTOR does not archive the most recent issues of the journals. Instead it maintains a lag period of three to five years. The articles in...
Michigan Feminist Studies

The interdisciplinary Michigan Feminist Studies journal was first published in 1978 under the title, "Occasional Papers in Women's Studies." In 1989, the journal became Michigan Feminist Studies, an annual publication that continues to be affiliated with the Program in Women's Studies at the University of Michigan. Visitors to this site can browse through all of the archived issues here or look...
Natural Hazards Review

The Natural Hazards Review is accessible from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). "Civil engineers, geologists, scientists and researchers involved in various aspects of construction will find the broad scope of the journal helpful for developing design strategies to mitigate natural hazards." ASCE non-members are required to complete an online form to access the articles.
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