The British Ecological Society's Journal of Animal Ecology publishes original research papers "on most aspects of animal ecology," including reviews and theoretical analyses of specific topics. Now, at the JSTOR site, users may freely access all full-text articles from back issues of the Journal of Animal Ecology, once articles become three years old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Vols. 1-68...
As the word Action in its title indicates, PESTIS is definitely an advocacy group and is not moderate on its feelings about pesticides. In fact, a part of PESTIS, is PANNA (Pesticide Action Network North America), which "works to replace pesticide use with ecologically sound and socially just alternatives." Regardless of your feeling towards pesticides, this Web site includes all sorts of data and...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes the "Science Matters" newsletter to inform the general public about its research and advocacy activities on behalf of the American public. The newsletter was first published in 2010, and is a terrific source of information on everything from green chemistry to renewable energy. In the About this Issue area, visitors can learn about the topical...
The TEACH Great Lakes Web site is provided by the Great Lakes Information Network (last mentioned in the September 15, 1995 Scout Report). The site features online lessons specific to Great Lakes subjects such as the environment, geography, and pollution. Students can begin with the Introduction to the Great Lakes module and then move on to learn about water levels, shoreline geology, water...
Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology (TIEE) is a collection of peer-reviewed, classroom/ field-tested teaching materials sponsored by the Ecological Society of America. Among these "scientifically sound and pedagogically innovative" teaching materials are a number of particularly well-designed ecology labs for field and classroom. As of February 2003, two of the seven labs on the Web site...
Created by the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in association with the Harvard University Center for the Environment, this 13-part program includes an overview of the Earth's systems along with an exploration of the effects that human activities have on these systems. Each program contains interviews with scientists and other experts, and the program titles include Ecosystems, Human...
The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List of Threatened Species conveys information about plant and animal species on its website, and is regarded as "the most comprehensive, objective global approach for evaluating the conservation status of plant and animal species." Visitors will find that the website is divided up into the seven categories they use to...
The University of Birmingham introduces the goal of its department of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences' (GEES) research to link climate, hydrology, geomorphology, and ecology studies in order to build integrated models of fluvial systems. Users can find ample information about the goals and significance in its many projects which include riparian hydroecology, hydrology of cold...
The US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Website provides many educational resources for K-12 teachers. A recently posted one is the "What's Up With Our Nation's Water?" page, looking at how water quality is measured, what toxins are found in drinking water, and defining wetlands and groundwater. Highlights include a "What can I do?" section and suggested science projects. Colorful artwork...
The Windows to the Universe website is maintained by the National Earth Science Teachers Association, and it has been around since the mid-1990s. One particularly interesting area of the site focuses in on the world of biomes and ecosystems. For those who might be unacquainted with such matters, biomes are large regions of the world with similar plants, animals, and other living things that are...