Introducing students to different software packages and applications for use in biology and math courses can be quite a challenge. With that in mind, teachers in these areas will definitely appreciate this rather helpful site from the people at the Mathematical Sciences Digital Library. These particular simulations and tools draw heavily on Microsoft Excel, so users will need to make sure that...
From biology teacher Shannon Muskopf's extensive website for biology teachers and students, Biology Corner, comes this collection of lesson plans, classroom activities, and PowerPoint presentations related to Ecology and Environmental Issues. Guided by a student-centered pedagogy, many of these lessons include in-class simulations or online virtual labs. For example, in the lesson Estimating...
This innovative educational website was created by Elisabeth Benders-Hyde, a science aide at the West Tisbury School in Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. The site was originally inspired by a biome project developed by West Tisbury 6th grade teachers Ann and Karl Nelson, and incorporates information generated from independent student research. The site offers great information about the world's...
The Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN) offers a fine range of educational materials for educators hoping to build their students' "understanding of the core ideas in climate and energy science." Visitors can look over the What's New area to learn about updated lesson plans, classroom activities, and featured resources like "Soil Microbes and Global Warming." Users shouldn't miss...
Are you on the lookout for good ecology education resources? Hosted by the Ecological Society of America (ESA), the EcoEd Digital Library provides educators with "a forum to contribute and locate peer reviewed ecology education resources that are scientifically sound and pedagogically useful." The website offers nine browsing categories including: Applied ecology, Communities, Ecosystems, Human...
This Web site from the Center for Environmental Studies at Arizona State University was developed as part of the Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-term Ecological Research Project (CAP LTER), but can be used by any classrooms interested in exploring urban ecosystems that surround them. Students and teachers learn about the scientific method and several data collection protocols that they can use right...
Created by Enchanted Learning, this kid-friendly Biome-Habitats website introduces children to many of the earth's biomes. Although the site provides basic information about many different biomes, the main emphasis is on the animals that live in each habitat. From the homepage, site visitors can link to almost twenty separate biome / habitat sites including Desert, Cave, Savanna, and Coral...
The Ecological Society of America created the Strategies for Ecology Education, Diversity and Sustainability (SEEDS) program in order "to diversify and advance the ecology profession through opportunities that stimulate and nurture the interest of underrepresented students." As such, the site is a fine resource for science educators and others, and it contains seven basic sections, which include...
Intended for elementary, middle, and high school students, this electronic estuary excursion, Estuary Live!!!, will take place May 8-12, 2000. Free to participants (but please sign up in advance), the field trip will explore the Rachel Carson Site of the North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve, covering four islands and salt marshes off the North Carolina coast. The site features useful...
The "Classroom of the Future" and "Exploring the Environment" are a collaboration between NASA and Jesuit Wheeling University, and they are responsible for this fine website that offers teachers unique ways to teach students about weather systems. The activities are for grades 5-12, and each activity indicates the applicable grade level, though most lean toward the upper grades. The homepage has...