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Environmental protection -- United States

Bibliography (2)
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Information services (4)
Periodicals (1)
States (3)
Statistics (1)


Indoor Air Quality in Schools

The US Environmental Protection Agency created this site to inform schools about the problem of indoor air quality. Indoor air quality (IAQ) can be worse than outdoor air quality, a dangerous proposition considering the heightened sensitivity of children to environmental pollution levels. The site is comprised of three key elements. Indoor Air Quality Basics for Schools is a fact sheet describing...
National Estuarine Research Reserve System

Established in 1972 through the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERR) is a network of protected areas representing different types of estuaries and biogeographic regions. Operated by coastal states with input from local communities and regional groups, NERR studies address coastal watershed management issues. The homepage provides an overview of...
National Estuarine Research Reserve System Centralized Data Management Office in Support of the NERR System-wide Monitoring Program

Established in 1972 through the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), the National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERR) is a network of protected areas representing different types of estuaries and biogeographic regions. Operated by coastal states with input from local communities and regional groups, NERR studies address coastal watershed management issues. For reserve data and data on water...
National Wildlife Federation: Campus Ecology

This website features the National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology program. This program was established over a decade ago to "assist students, faculty, staff, and administrators in transforming colleges and universities into learning and teaching models of environmental sustainability(...)" and has supported 2,000 campus projects nation-wide. Each year more than 100 schools enroll in the...
Natural Resources Defense Council

From the Natural Resources Defense Council, this website has the latest news from the Hill, plus information everyone needs on the state of our air, water, land and health. Initial contents include "State of Nature," a regular bulletin on environmental legislation; action guidelines; and findings on subjects ranging from children and environmental carcinogens to the pollution of U.S. coastal...
Natural Resources Defense Council: The Bush Record

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) offers The Bush Record -- "the real story on this administration's dealing on environmental issues, from NRDC's scientists, lawyers, and policy experts." The main Web page highlights the administration's most recent actions. Readers may also access related reports, search The Bush Record by date, and find out how to get involved with the NRDC's efforts...
Northern Alaska Environmental Center

The Northern Alaska Environmental Center works to "promote conservation of the environment in Interior and Arctic Alaska through advocacy, education, and sustainable resource stewardship." The well designed site describes through text and breathtaking photography the natural wonders and issues that threaten the Alaskan wilderness, including the arctic region, the boreal forest, and the Denali...
Riparian Areas: Functions and Strategies for Management

The National Academic Press "publishes over 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and health, capturing the most authoritative views on important issues in science and health policy." These books are made available to read online for free. One of the latest offerings is entitled Riparian Areas: Functions and Strategies for Management, written by the Committee on...
Superfund Risk Assessment

This new Environmental Protection Agency site helps all interested "stakeholders," from risk professionals to the general public evaluate the risks posed by hazardous waste sites. The site is organized into several sections, each aimed at users with a different level of knowledge. The Human Health and Ecological sections offer information for both professionals and the general public on assessing...
The Mississippi River

The sites listed in this week's In the News chronicle the history of the Mississippi River's environmental plight and efforts by groups to restore the glory of the Mighty Mississippi. Draining 41% of the continental United States, the Mississippi River is in need of a massive clean-up effort. Joined by the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Carol Browner, Attorney General Janet Reno pledged...
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