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Computer security

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Digital Forensics and Cyber Security Center at the University of Rhode Island

Based at the University of Rhode Island, the Digital Forensics and Cyber Security Center (DFCSC) "supports state, national, and international public welfare through education, research, training, and service in forensic investigations and securing information systems." The website provides access to news from the fields of digital forensics and cyber security, along with working papers, materials...
Distributed Intrusion Detection System

Internet worms and other malicious code often scan firewalls to determine which ports are unprotected. While firewall users have access to their port scanning data in the form of log files, most do not make use of it. The Distributed Intrusion Detection System remotely monitors trends in worldwide port scanning, and the data it has collected is available at this site. The data can be used by...
Electronic Privacy Information Center (Last reviewed in The Scout Report on June 13, 1997)

When the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) was started in 1994, there were already substantial privacy issues surrounding the collection and use of electronic data at play. Since that time, such issues have grown exponentially in their scope, and EPIC continues to perform valuable research in the area. A good place to start exploring their site is right on the homepage, namely their...

For a quick and efficient computer scan, visitors should consider looking over Eset. This online scanner does not require any downloads, and it will scan computers as it looks for infiltrations and infected files. Visitors can also select certain files or folders for scanning, and this iteration of Eset is compatible with computers running Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, or NT.
Final Implementation Report and Recommendations of the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform

On October 22, 2002, an attack on the thirteen servers that act as the backbone of the Internet was carried out, briefly disabling nine of them. This drew attention to the often criticized organization that operates these servers, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Coincidentally, an October 2, 2002 report from ICANN addresses the issue of internet security. The...
Institute for Security, Technology, and Society

The Institute for Security, Technology, and Society (ISTS) at Dartmouth College "is dedicated to pursuing research that addresses critical national needs for security technology and policy in cyber and emergency response environments." Its interdisciplinary research draws from science, engineering, social science and policy perspectives to investigate critical security problems using existing...
Internet Guide

The Internet Guide is a no-nonsense site intended for Internet newbies. It consists of several short articles that discuss the basics of Internet navigation, common terms and phrases, Netiquette, and much more. Some specific technologies are also mentioned, such as Telnet and newsgroups. The Guide occasionally refers to various products or services; however, it does not endorse any particular...
Internet Quarantine: Requirements for Containing Self-Propagating Code

Appearing at the INFOCOM conference in April 2003, this research paper provides insight into critical factors necessary to contain outbreaks of self-propagating code on the Internet. Citing the outbreak of the Code-Red worm in 2001 as an example, the authors justify the need for better methods of quickly controlling the spread of malicious code and minimizing damage. A couple scenarios for the...
Markle Foundation: The Task Force on National Security in the Information Age

The main feature of this Web site is the report titled "Protecting America's Freedom in the Information Age," released in October 2002. It examines how to effectively use information technology to collect and analyze information pertinent to national security. The report states that current government practices are insufficient in this area, and it is laden with recommendations for improving the...
OnGuard Online

Created by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the OnGuard website "provides practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information." Visitors can learn how to avoid online scams, secure their computers, protect kids online and more. On the homepage, users can find useful...
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