This Web site serves as a collection of seminal research papers that "every serious student of computer security should read." Mostly from the 1970's but also stretching into the '80s, the papers were first collectively distributed at the 1998 National Information Systems Security Conference but are now offered online to make them more widely available. Each paper contributed to computer security...
With the recent shut down of the peer-to-peer file sharing utility Audiogalaxy, copy protection of all kinds of data is a very hot topic. Distribution of music, movies, and software is running rampant, and many believe the solution lies in better copy protection.
To learn the basics of copy protection, visit Link Data Security (1). This company specializes in secure products that reduce piracy,...
The US Federal Trade Commission provides its Privacy Online: A Report to Congress. This 43 page monograph "provides an assessment of the effectiveness of self-regulation as a means of protecting consumer privacy on the World Wide Web,... based on a comprehensive online survey of the information practices of commercial Web sites, including sites directed to children, conducted in March 1998; an...
The US Federal Trade Commission provides this site, highlighted by the availability of its Privacy Online: A Report to Congress. In addition, the site offers tips on how to protect personal information, transcripts of relevant congressional testimony, useful information about protecting your privacy while you "travel" the Net, and FTC pamphlets on consumer protection and privacy information, among...
The National Security Agency's (NSA) Web site provides information about NSA's mission and activities. NSA is the nation's cryptologic organization and employs this country's premier codemakers and codebreakers. Under its two national missions, NSA collects and processes foreign signals intelligence and it is also responsible for providing leadership, products and services to protect classified...
The Pew Internet & American Life Project has created this terrific site which brings together many of their data sets, charts, and graphs in one convenient location. Here visitors can look over several different data sets. Some of these data sets are available as Excel files, and they will be of tremendous benefit to journalists, educators, and public policy scholars. Visitors are encouraged to...
An October 29, 2002 news article in USA Today describes a recent surge in activity of politically motivated hackers and cyber terrorists. The attacks, which range from Web site defacements to viruses and worms, are probably being perpetrated by individuals opposed to the US war on terrorism and action in Iraq.
This new publication from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) explains the necessity for developing a comprehensive and customized electronic security policy and offers guidance to educational administrators in devising and implementing one. The report is organized in ten chapters, addressing topics such as risk assessment; development and implementation of security policy;...
Begun in 1992, the PRIVACY Forum is a moderated digest of "the discussion and analysis of issues relating to the general topic of privacy (both personal and collective) in the 'information age'." It is sponsored by the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), internetMCI and Cisco Systems, but they do not influence its content. The digest mailing itself is a once- or twice-weekly publication,...
The Safe Internet Programming group at the Princeton University Department of Computer Science in 1996 published a paper on the practice known as "web spoofing," through which an attacker intervenes between an end-user browsing the Web and real Web sites. The attacker sets up a shadow copy of the Web, and as users request pages from sites they will receive pages from the attacker's site instead....