The Brown Center on Education Policy is a part of the Brookings Institution that aims to explore "the challenges facing the American education system and to help identify practical policy solutions." The Center is home to the Brown Center Report on American Education, which has been published since 2000. The Report analyzes the state of American education using the latest measures of student...
Building on President Bush's earlier "No Child Left Behind" educational prospectus for the United States, this 148-page report explicates the Department of Education's 6-point plan for the upcoming years. The six points discussed in detail throughout the body of the report include improving student achievement, creating a culture of achievement, and enhancing the quality of access to postsecondary...
As the official blog of the U.S. Department of Education, Homeroom addresses dozens of issues with multiple posts every week. Some of the posts are primarily text-based, others lean heavily on well-developed graphs, charts, and other graphics, and still others include videos about programs, teachers, students, and communities. Homeroom can be scouted via an efficient search function. Readers may...
This report from the RAND organization analyzes results from the NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) state test scores of 1990, 1992, 1994, and 1996. The report is unique in offering comparative data on similar student demographics across states, allowing the authors to examine the impact of state educational reforms on comparable populations. The results show that some states are...
This report examines the current state of employer aid in higher education, describing the types of employees and the kinds of educational and training programs that employers support. Analyzing data collected from the 1995 National Household Education Survey (NHES) and the 1995-96 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), the report concludes that while support was relatively modest from...
This site complements a recent Frontline program on school vouchers. It analyzes the state of public education, explains school vouchers and charter schools, and offers links to state-by-state resources on school reform produced by the Heritage Foundation, Friedman Foundation, Center for Education Reform, and Education Week. The site also includes video excerpts and transcripts of interviews with...
Department of Education's Online Library is the place to go to get the full text of the GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, the Prisoners of Time report, plus other education legislation, reports, and information. Other electronic "shelves" focus on issues such as technology and school-to-work.