According to the August 2000 issue of AgLetter, a monthly publication from FRB Chicago, a survey of agriculture bankers in the Seventh District showed that gains in farmland value slowed in the second quarter of 2000.
Business Review, a bimonthly publication from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadephia, features articles written by the Bank staff. This page links to the most current issue, while previous editions are archived. All articles may be downloaded in .pdf format. "Financial Modernization: Vastly Different or Fundamentally the Same?" and "Economics and the New Economy: The Invisible Hand meets...
The September issue of Chicago Fed Letter, from FRB Chicago, contains Part I of the article "Mergers and the Changing Landscape of Commercial Banking."
The Report of Condition and Income database, provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, contains financial data for all banks regulated by the Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Comptroller of the Currency. Merger Data contains information on all "bank acquisitions and mergers since 1985." The Merger Data is available in either ASCII or SAS format. Quarterly...
Current Issues in Economics and Finance is a publication produced by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that focuses on specific public policy issues. The May 2000 edition consists of the article "Explaining the Gap between New Home Sales and Inventories," which explores the reasons why inventories for new homes have fallen since 1995.
The October 1997 Chicago Fed Letter issue, "Economic Gains from Trade Liberalization - NAFTA's impact" by Michael A. Kouparitsas, (available in Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only) evaluates the gains from NAFTA. Recently, the debate over free trade has intensified in light of the failure of President Clinton to obtain fast-track authority from Congress. On September 17, 1997, President Clinton went...
The first issue of the 2000 quarterly publication Economic Review from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland contains three articles, "Dual-Currency Economies as Multiple-Payment Systems," "New Results on the Rationality of Survey Measures of Exchange-Rate Expectations," and "The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level."
This publication from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis offers economic overviews and financial markets for countries in North America, Europe, and Asia.