Released on March 2 by the US Senate Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem, this report challenges some of the worst-case Y2K scenarios. While Americans can expect some disruptions ("a bump in the road"), the report authors Sens. Robert Bennett and Christopher Dodd claim that there should be no major or long-term breakdown of essential services. However, the report does point out...
The Year 2000 rollover, it appears after all, will be rather smooth. Despite fears of widespread computer shutdowns or malfunctions or millennium-related terrorism in Israel or elsewhere, the year 2000 arrived amid tremendous fanfare, but few technical difficulties. While some minor problems popped up in various spots around the globe, Y2K seems to have arrived with fewer computer problems than...
The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has recently released this searchable database of Y2K readiness reports in order to disclose the preparatory efforts of the securities industry. The database contains more than 13,000 reports from the broker-dealers, transfer agents, investment advisors, and mutual funds required to file with the SEC. Reports include descriptions of the company's,...