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Water vapor, Atmospheric -- Observations

Databases (2)


View Resource NASA Earth Observatory: Will Runaway Water Warm the World?

This website offers NASA's Earth Observatory newest feature -- an educational module about global warming. Beginning with a recap of the tremendous heat wave that struck Europe in the summer of 2003, the website proceeds with an educational discussion about the interaction between water vapor and other greenhouse gases and the atmosphere. Users can learn about climatic modeling and some...
View Resource NASA: Aura Atmospheric Chemistry

The "Earth Observing System (EOS) Aura is a NASA mission to study the Earth's ozone, air quality, and climate" by researching the composition, chemistry, and dynamics of the Earth's atmosphere. Visitors can learn how Aura is investigating three questions: Is the Earth's ozone layer recovering? Is air quality getting worse? How is Earth's climate changing? Researchers can find extensive details...