Over the past few years, organizations like National Geographic and the National Academy of Sciences have been offering up interactive features on their websites. Many print newspapers have entered this arena as of late, including the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune. Recently, the Tribune offered up this tremendously interesting and visually engaging portrait of the effects of global...
This site was prepared by the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center at the Oak Ridge National Labratory and makes available carbon dioxide, hydrographic, and chemical data obtained during the R/V Akademik Ioffe cruise in the South Pacific Ocean in 1992. An overview of the data provides background information, description of the variables and methods, and references. A description of the...
Part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, The Center for Climatic Research (CCR) "focuses on studies of present, future, and past climates, the links between ecosystems and climate and between civilizations and climate, and assessment of the impacts of climate variability on water, food, and energy resources." The Web site offers descriptions of research; publications; upcoming events; and,...
While reliable instrument records only go back 119 years, some argue that 1998 witnessed the warmest temperatures in 1,200 years. What is certain is that for the twentieth consecutive year, the annual global mean surface temperature exceeded the long-term average, this time by 1.2 degrees fahrenheit. The source and long-term implications of this steady rise in temperature are, of course, hotly...
From the National Climate Data Center, the Climate of 1999 - Annual Review Website provides detailed data and discussion. Globally speaking, 1999 proved to be the fifth warmest year on record since 1880. The site provides Global Analysis, US National Analysis, US Regional/ Statewide Analysis, a page on Extreme Events, and 1999 and 1998 Monthly Reports. Charts showing annual anomalies for...
The newest of NOAA's monthly updates on climate in historical perspective is out now. Global and US climate analysis and extreme events such as flooding of the Mississippi River, severe storms in Bangladesh, and drought in Afghanistan are covered in the report. General temperature and precipitation data along with microwave sounding unit (MSU) measurements of lower tropospheric anomalies are given...
Satellite photos of Mt. Kilimanjaro have become recently available from NASA's Earth Observatory, a "freely-accessible publication on the Internet where the public can obtain new satellite imagery and scientific information about our home planet." Taken in 1993 and again in 2000, these photos chronicle the dramatic disappearance of Kilimanjaro's glacial ice cap, a sensitive indicator of climate...
Take a first-hand look at how climate change affects the biosphere at this Web site from San Francisco's Exploratorium. Visitors can access long-term, short-term, and even near real time data from a number of research projects conducted by various institutions. All data are presented graphically, with straightforward explanations of phenomena in question. Science educators may find this Web site...
This impressive site from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Forecast Systems Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado serves as an educational gateway into the science of global climate patterns. Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) is "a worldwide network of students, teachers, and scientists working together to study and understand the global...
Embark on a photographic journey with the One World Journeys Team as they trek through the Monteverde Cloud Forest in Costa Rica from February 1-12 to witness how climate change is affecting the planet. Each day of their journey, the team of seven will update the site with photo images interwoven with sound in order to try and replicate their experiences for their Internet viewers. Photographs...