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Caltech Control and Dynamical Systems (CDS)

The Caltech Control and Dynamical Systems (CDS) program provides training in mathematics, dynamics, and control, applied in the areas of science and engineering. The website describes the program's theoretical and applied research. It provides links to websites of selected multi-investigator projects such as Software Enabled Control (DARPA), Institute for Quantum Information (NSF), Quantum...
Center for BioDynamics

The Center for BioDynamics (CBD) brings together the College of Engineering and the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston University to foster "advance training and research at the interfaces among dynamical systems, biology and engineering." The CBD's work provides insights into the functioning of physiological systems and examines ways to improve clinical devices and techniques. The center also...
Context Rich Problems Online Archives

New physics teaching resource sites continue to pop up every day, and this one from the University of Minnesota's Physics Education Research Group is a good find. The site is divided into two areas, one covering mechanics problems, and the other covering electricity and magnetic problems. Within these two areas, visitors can look through examples of linear kinematics problems, force problems,...

This Topic in Depth explores gyroscopes and the gyroscopic effect. The first site from the Canada Science and Technology Museum is called What is a Gyroscope (1). Visitors will find an explanation of what the term gyroscope refers to, what's special about gyroscopes, how the gyroscopic effect is applied, and other simple but informative descriptions. Next, the site entitled Gyroscope (2) is...