This monthly online magazine of librarianship offers news stories, special reports, columns entitled "Internet Librarian" and "Technically Speaking," upcoming events, tables of contents for previous issues, and archives of past issues's features and news. This month's issue is particularly interesting as it includes the second edition of Thomas Hennan Jr.'s HAPLR (Hennan's American Public Library...
Stanford University has a number of worthy digital collections, and this particular archive will be of special interest to students of library and information science. The collection contains issues of the journal "DttP: Documents to the People" from 1972 to 2002. Drawn from the print holdings of the Stanford University Libraries, the journal documents both the organizational history of the...
In the Library with the Lead Pipe is a free, open-access online journal "founded and run by an international team of librarians working in various types of libraries" that seeks to reflect the views points of all librarian professionals and patrons, including "educators, administrators, library support staff, technologists, and community members." This publication originated as a group blog and...
Library Juice is a current awareness newsletter for librarians and other information professionals, published weekly by editor-librarian Rory Litwin. Each issue of Library Juice compiles recent news, articles, and announcements gleaned from a wide range of mailing lists related to librarianship, information science, intellectual freedom, and social responsibility. The Website posts the current...