The tagline of the MarineBio site is "sharing the wonders of the ocean to inspire conservation, education, education, research, and a sea ethic." It's a well-thought out statement of purpose and direction, and they have a cornucopia of material on various marine species, ocean conservation, research projects, and habitat conservation. First-time visitors to the site will note that there are...
Working together with a range of partners, including a number of community colleges, the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center (MATE), has created a number of valuable resources that will be useful for those with an interest in this field. The instructional resources are primarily related to those interested in careers in hydrographic surveying, aquaculture technicians, and several other...
Developed jointly by members of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and New Hampshire Sea Grant Programs, this website introduces students and others to a variety of information about careers in marine science fields. The website features profiles of people doing a number of jobs including Marine Educator, Chemical Oceanographer, Aquarium Curator, and Ocean Advocate, to name a few. The...