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Anthropology -- Periodicals

Indexes (3)


Florida Anthropologist

The Florida Anthropologist was first published in May 1948, and the journal is well-known for its scholarly pieces that look into topics such as Spanish colonial archaeological digs and pre-Columbian societies. The journal is published under the auspices of the Florida Anthropological Society, and the University of Florida Libraries have digitized all of its back issues. Currently, there are 184...
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

If you've ever had a yen to learn more about the traditional knowledge of wild edible plants used in Palestine or the medicinal plants of southeastern Ethiopia, then the Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine is for you. The Journal an open access, peer-reviewed journal published by BioMed Central, and visitors can browse through all the issues here and also take a gander at the top ten most...
Michigan Discussions in Anthropology

Started in 1971, the Michigan Discussions in Anthropology journal brings together scholarly works from all four subfields within anthropology: archaeology, biological anthropology, ethnology, and linguistic anthropology. The journal was originally meant as a forum for students and faculty within the anthropology department at Michigan, and although their work now reaches many persons around the...
Open Anthropology

Open Anthropology is the first digital-only, public journal of the American Anthropological Association. Each issue focuses on a "timely theme" and gathers anthropology articles, past and present, related to it. For instance, the October 2014 issue is titled, "World on the Move: Migration Stories." Articles on the theme include a 1920 missive by the famed ethnologist Franz Boas, groundbreaking...
Penn Museum: Expedition

If you have ever wanted to take a trip with some of the archaeologists and anthropologists affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania, an exploration of the contents of their "Expeditions" magazine may satisfy that wish. Since 1958, the magazine has profiled the textiles of Southeast Asia, jewelry from Canaanite temples, and the 19th century world of Constantinople. The magazine is a...

Sapiens is an online magazine "with a mission to bring anthropology - the study of being human - to the public, to make a difference in how people see themselves and the people around them." Written and edited by a team of writers and anthropologists, this magazine features essays, photography, news stories, feature-length stories, and more that will appeal to a broad audience. As of this...
Social Geography

The open-access journal "Social Geography" is primarily concerned with "the interrelation of society, practice and space and its implications for every day-life, social and environmental policy or economic practice." The journal was started in 2005, and visitors with an interest in human geography or sociology will appreciate their offerings. Users can start by reading through the "General...