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ABC Science Podcasts

The "ABC" in question here happens to be the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and they have come up with a smashing collection of science podcasts. Visitors can sign up to receive new podcasts via RSS feed, but they should definitely test the waters here by listening to any one of Dr Karl's "Great Moments of Science" or an edition of "Talking Science", which features interviews with various... is provided by A to Z Teacher Stuff, whose primary goal is to enhance the learning of students everywhere through helping teachers find the resources they need. Educators can search or browse the science category, which contains hundreds of lesson plans organized by grade level from grade school through twelfth grade. Each listing contains the title, age recommendation, a rating...
Science in Focus

Sumanas Inc.'s website offers a wide range of material, such as animations of scientific processes, for a range of scientific disciplines, but here visitors will find their "Science in Focus" section of the website. Some of the topics that are brought to life with animating technology are antibiotic resistance, stem cell research, malaria, anthrax, gene therapy, and peptic ulcers. Click on "Go to...