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Given that thousands of books are published each and ever year, it may be overwhelming for the discerning reader to separate the wheat from the chaff. Stepping into the fray (since 1997) is, started in 1997 by Davina Morgan-Witts and her husband Paul. As the site notes, "Bookbrowse carefully selects from the most interesting current books and provides you with multiple reviews and a...
British Library: Caxton's Chaucer

Buried in Poets Corner in Westminster Abbey, Geoffrey Chaucer was responsible for the much-loved Canterbury Tales, a clutch of stories (many of them quite bawdy and frank in their depiction of life in the medieval period) told by pilgrims on their journey to the holy site of Canterbury in Kent. This rather engaging website presented by the British Library features two rather famous editions of the...
DPLA: Open Bookshelf

Fans of the Scout Report will be unsurprised to learn that this resource from the Digital Public Library of America, which we featured in June 2018, proved a crowd favorite. Open Bookshelf makes it possible for readers of all stripes to download public domain e-books on their mobile devices with no need for a library card or account login, including books in languages other than English. On June...
London Review of Books Online

Similar in both its outlook and content to the New York Review of Books here in the US, the London Review of Books is a place that serves as the nerve center for a great deal of discussion about literature and authors. This online edition of the London Review of Books will be a great place to browse for those who love to read, and particularly for those persons looking for trenchant reviews of...
The Pudding: Bias, She Wrote

How many best-selling books are penned by women? How has the figure changed over time, and how does it vary across genre? Writer Rosie Cima took data from The New York Times Best Seller list and created a series of eye-opening visualizations, accompanied by analysis. Her resulting essay was recently published on The Pudding, a "weekly journal for visual essays." As this essay reveals, while men...
The Virginia Quarterly Review

Self-described as "a national journal of literature and discussion", _The Virginia Quarterly Review_ has been in existence since 1925, and continues to publish important essays, poems, and other prose pieces on a wide range of topics. Its site is full of materials from the current issue and also a number of Web-only materials, such as an audio selection of Michael Chabon at the Virginia Festival...