Released on October 16, this new report from the Health Resources and Services Administration examines 59 health status indicators and service needs of America's children. Topics covered include children's health insurance coverage, infant mortality, low birth weight, vaccinations, adolescent birth rates, sexually transmitted diseases and pediatric AIDS. The full text of the report can be...
The National Center for Health Statistics just released the seventh and final review of the Healthy People 2000 objectives. Healthy People 2000 is "the national health promotion agenda that guided Americans toward living longer and healthier lives" from 1990 until now (see the September 18, 1998 Scout Report for a discussion of Healthy People 2010). The final review reports on progress made on the...
This is the home page of the Mobile Manufacturer's Forum, an international association of several leading "radio communications equipment manufacturers." Its purpose is to inform the general public about health policies and standards regarding radio frequency (RF) energy emitted by mobile phones and base stations. There are several documents and press releases that can be accessed on the Web site....