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Ecology -- Periodicals


Conservation Ecology

Conservation Ecology is a new, exclusively electronic, peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Resilience Alliance, with content ranging from the applied to the theoretical. Topics covered by the journal include: "the conservation of ecosystems, landscapes, species, populations, and genetic diversity; the restoration of ecosystems and habitats; and the management of resources." This site includes...
Issues in Ecology: No. 4

The Ecological Society of America (ESA) has released Number 4 of the series Issues in Ecology. Designed to present, "in language understandable to non-scientists, the consensus of a panel of scientific experts on issues relevant to the environment," the newest report (.pdf format) is entitled "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning: Maintaining Natural Life Support Processes."
Journal of Environmental Quality

The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America have announced online availability of this journal, in conjunction with Stanford University's HighWire Press. Online full-text content for the Journal of Environmental Quality begins with the January-February 2001 issue and will expand with each month's new issues. Note that the free trial period...
JSTOR: Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics

The full text of Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics is available on line at the JSTOR site. Coverage includes volumes 1-28, 1970-1997. Visitors can search or browse the journal. Note: access to JSTOR contents is currently available only on a site licence basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available.
JSTOR: Ecological Applications

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Ecological Applications, Vols. 1-8, 1991-1998. Newer...
JSTOR: Journal of Ecology

In 1999 JSTOR made available online the British Ecological Society's publication Journal of Ecology, containing "original research papers on all aspects of ecology of plants (including algae) in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems." Online issues include Volumes 1-87, spanning the years 1913-1999 (issues will be added as they become more than three years old). The journal may be searched by...
JSTOR: Journal of Ecology

JSTOR has made available online the British Ecological Society's publication Journal of Ecology, containing "original research papers on all aspects of ecology of plants (including algae) in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems." Online issues include Volumes 1-87, spanning the years 1913-1999 (issues will be added as they become more than three years old). The journal may be searched by...
JSTOR: Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences

In 2000 back issues of this scholarly journal were made available to researchers through JSTOR (Journal Storage). JSTOR offers online access to numerous scholarly journals on a "moving wall" basis -- in which users may download the full text and figures of each article that is at least three-years-old. Currently, JSTOR coverage includes Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, Vols....

Since its inception in 1982, the Orion magazine has had a primary concern with reconnecting human culture with the natural world and "engaging the heart and mind". During the past few decades, Orion has published the work of a number of new voices, along with such established writers as Barry Lopez and David Quammen. First-time visitors to the site will enjoy perusing the online archive, which...
The American Naturalist -- Electronic Edition

"The American Naturalist" now offers free access to rapid-release articles from upcoming issues of the journal. These articles will be made available until the issue they will appear in is published electronically, after which a paid subscription is required to view them online. As of June 13, 2003, three articles are available, covering gynodioecy, sexual selection in dung beetles, and...
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