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Reporters and reporting -- United States


View Resource Committee of Concerned Journalists

In the summer of 1997, a group of well-regarded journalists and editors gathered for a meeting at the Harvard Faculty Club. They met because they had concerns about the future of journalism and about the public's general impression towards journalists. Over the following two years, they examined the state of journalism throughout the country, and they began to call themselves the Committee of...
View Resource National Education Writers Association

Founded in 1947, the National Education Writers Association (EWA) was created in order to improve education reporting to the public. Currently the EWA has over 1000 members, and their number includes those who work in a variety of media, including broadcast news and print publications. Visitors to their homepage can take a look at their weblog, "Education Reform", which reports on what various...
View Resource Watergate 25

The Washington Post commemorates the twenty-fifth anniversary of its most famous story with a site featuring a timeline of the Watergate scandal that contains links to full text selections of original articles. It also offers short biographies of the twenty key players in the Nixon administration and the investigation, some speculations on the true identity of the still unidentified informer "Deep...