A List Apart (ALA) is an online magazine that "explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on techniques and benefits of designing with web standards." Published on a very irregular basis (perhaps as new articles are contributed), ALA features between one and three articles per issue on topics ranging from usability to Cascading Style Sheets to Extensible...
Free Pint, a biweekly email newsletter provided by the the Willco information consultancy and edited by William Hahn, covers various aspects of both network related tools and content. Recent issues have covered tool-related topics: web problem diagnostics, improving results from search engines, and metasearch sites. Content topics have included articles on major sources of business and medical...
Free Pint, a biweekly email newsletter formerly provided by the the Willco information consultancy and edited by William Hahn, covers various aspects of both network related tools and content. Recent issues have covered tool-related topics: web problem diagnostics, improving results from search engines, and metasearch sites. Content topics have included articles on major sources of business and...
Mind & Machine is a weekly column provided by Ashley Dunn for the New York Times Cybertimes that discusses topics related to computing, technology, and the Internet. Recent columns have addressed the topics of the development of Internet telephony, possible futures of user interfaces, the history of technology and standards, and the Internet as a vehicle for community. Articles are well written,...
Circuits is a new New York Times weekly offering intended to enhance the newspaper's technology coverage. It contains regular gaming and computer columns, along with an eclectic mix of articles and essays that address in a general way the interaction between humans and technology. The first three issues contained articles on where computers go to die, music and jobs on the web, computer games for...