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Mathematical statistics

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Game Theory .net: A Resource for Educators and Students of Game Theory

Game theory is a branch of applied mathematics that studies "rational behavior in interactive or interdependent situations." Often used in economics and political science, game theory is a tool to deal with uncertainty and make intelligent decisions. Mike Shor, a professor at Vanderbilt University, operates this Web site. Many useful resources related to game theory are offered, including lecture...
HyperStat Online

This online statistics textbook, provided by David M. Lane, a Psychology and Statistics Professor at Rice University, caters to the introductory level college student. Its eighteen chapters discuss univariate and bivariate data, probability, distributions, prediction, and chi-square, among others. Instructional demonstrations and analysis tools, some created by the author, are also featured. In...
HyperStat Online

Does the mere mention of the phrase “sampling distributions” bring a tingle to your spine? Visitors to this site will fear this basic concept of statistics (along with many others) no longer, as it does a fine job of explaining them in a fashion that is both lucid and jargon-free. Created and maintained by Professor David M. Lane of Rice University, the HyperStat Online site contains an online...