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City traffic -- United States


Despite strong lobbying, congestion pricing falls short for the time being in New York City

Terror police to track capital's cars Transportation Alternatives: Congestion Pricing Implementing Road and Congestion Pricing-Lessons From Singapore (2005) [pdf] Straphangers...
Pastimes and Paradigms: Games We Play

The good people of the Carl A. Kroch Library at Cornell University have been playing games lately, and they have seen fit to make a nice website about the games people play in conjunction with an _in situ_ exhibit that runs through the spring of 2004. The site explores the evolution of games since 1800, and includes a number of sections that examines the various functions of these different...
San Diego Area Traffic Report

Maxwell Laboratories and Caltrans have made availible real- time traffic information for San Diego, California, USA freeways via the World Wide Web. Current freeway speeds and flow rates, along with daily construction closures and updated freeway incident reports are available in both graphical and text formats. The information is normally updated about once a minute.
The Big Dig: Worth Its Wait

The Central Artery in Boston, Massachusetts is a notorious six-lane highway known for horrible traffic problems and an extremely high accident rate. A massive engineering undertaking, called the Central Artery/Tunnel Project, was started in 1991 to relieve the congestion and is now about 75% complete. The project's Web site is constantly updated with progress reports, milestones, and anything that...
Traffic Problems Continue to Grow Around the United States

As the number of miles logged on the US Interstate Highway System continued to increase dramatically over the past decade, many major metropolitan areas have seen traffic and commuting times grow rapidly. Certain cities, such as Atlanta (among others), are having particularly difficult coping with this problem, as they have little or no effective means of public transportation. To address these...
Traffic Waves: Physics for Bored Commuters

Ever find yourself stuck behind lines of traffic on the interstate, but when you get to the end of the slowdown there's nothing there? Now you can find out how traffic phenomena like this occur at Traffic Waves, an interesting site created and maintained by William J. Beaty, an electrical engineer in Seattle. As the site reveals, Beaty is not an expert in "traffic physics" but rather a commuter...