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Outer space -- Exploration -- United States -- History


Apollo to the Moon

Apollo to the Moon is a display at the National Air & Space Museum of the Smithsonian, dedicated to telling the history of human exploration of the moon by the United States. The Web site places the history of space travel within the context of the political environment, including the Cold War. The Space Race with Russia and the beginning of NASA are also discussed in detail, along with the...
Galileo: From the Man to the Mission

Galileo, the NASA mission, was recently crashed into Jupiter after years of observing the planet and its moons. The mission was named after Galileo Galilei, a scientist who in the early 1600s discovered Jupiter's four largest moons. This Topic in Depth first discusses the life of Galileo the man and then describes Galileo the mission. The first site (1), developed by the University of St....
In Search of Moon Trees

In 1971, hundreds of tree seedlings germinated aboard NASA's Apollo 14 mission to the moon. A few years later, they were planted around the nation, often with much fanfare. However, no one kept a systematic record of these plantings, and as a result, the whereabouts of most of the trees remains a mystery. Visitors can read or listen to an account of the history and current status of them at this...
Memoirs of a Space Engineer

The homepage of this site, provided by the Australian Broadcasting Association, says, "In the early 1960s, the US began setting up deep-space tracking stations in Australia. Doug Rickard found himself tracking missions to Mars and the moon. Friendly scientific rivalry and those small but spectacular mistakes in space exploration made for a rich episode in Doug's life. These are stories from his...
Project Starshine

NASA Mission Specialist Dan Tani successfully deployed Starshine 2 from the Space Shuttle Endeavor into its own orbit. What exactly is Project Starshine? Its name stands for Student Tracked Atmospheric Research Satellite, a cooperative project producing an 85 pound sphere-shaped satellite with a surface covered by 845 aluminum mirrors. The mirrors were polished by 30,000 students in 660 schools in...
Space Movies Cinema

NASA'S Space Movies Cinema site contains thirty-four viewable movies relating to space exploration. Ever wanted to see the golf shot that Alan Shepard hit on the moon, the first flag on the moon, or even a morph of an astronaut into a robot or an astronaut suit into body armor? This site has these and more, giving visitors a literal look back at the history of space exploration in the United...