The Brain Research through Advancing Innovation Neurotechnologies (BRAIN) Initiative is part of a new focus aimed at "revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain." The hope is that this ambitious effort will allow researchers to "produce a revolutionary new dynamic picture of the brain.” There are a range of federal partners involved, including the National Institutes of Health, the...
This site provides free access to an electronic version of the first issue of the Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (JIN), which debuted in June 2002. Published by World Scientific Publishing Co., JIN aims to "provide a dynamic forum for a synthesis of the brain sciences through the integration of neuroscientific phenomena, using new technologies that allow traversing multiple levels of neural...
The National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsors a great deal of research on neuroengineering that may affect how we understand conditions such as epilepsy. This website explores some of those innovations and visitors can watch videos and view examples of how different technologies are being used to understand the brain's operations. The site contains five sections, including Exploring the...