The Morehead Electronic Journal of Applications in Mathematics (MEJAM), sponsored by Morehead State University, is a free interdisciplinary journal that publishes the work of undergraduates. This forum provides an excellent place for undergraduates to get a taste of publishing in an academic, refereed environment. MEJAM is currently accepting submissions for its next issue.
The Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, a quarterly, peer-reviewed scholarly journal concerning "any theoretical or empirical subject on geography," has substantially changed its Web presence since its first review in the Scout Report April 30, 1997. Although the site no longer offers free access to current issues, it has placed the full text of over 1,500 articles and book...
Most people who work in the academic world of either the humanities or the social sciences will have heard of H-Net, which consists of a number of electronic mailing lists that disseminate information about upcoming conferences, seminars, workshops, funding opportunities and so on. What they may not know about is the H-Net Reviews site, which is equally valuable. The site brings together all of...
JSTOR aims to "build a reliable and comprehensive archive of important scholarly journal literature" and make them available to the scholarly community. Journals from ten fields ranging from Asian Studies to Sociology can be accessed through JSTOR at the moment. JSTOR does not archive the most recent issues of the journals. Instead it maintains a lag period of three to five years. The articles in...