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United States -- Climate

Encyclopedias. (1)
Forecasting. (2)
Maps (6)
Observations. (6)
Statistics (4)


View Resource Atmospheric Disturbance Climatology System

Provided by the US Forest Service, this page on Atmospheric Disturbance Climatology offers multiple series of spectacular color figures depicting geographic distributions of the major abiotic factors influencing biota in the north central and northeastern US. For instance, daily maximum and minimum temperature data from the National Climate Data Center (NCDC) are displayed as color maps, showing...
View Resource Bering Climate

The beauty of the Web as a communication tool for scientists is the opportunity for instantaneously exchanging and sharing datasets and finding. The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration has developed an amazing site, offering exceptionally well organized access to its databases including the categories of Climate Indices, Atmosphere, Ocean, Fishery, and Biology. These entire project is all...
View Resource Climate Atlas of the United States

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) has published (for purchase) a new CD Atlas containing 737 color maps of climatic elements, such as temperature, precipitation, snow, wind, pressure, etc., of the contiguous US from 1961 to 1990. Five of these maps can be previewed at NOAA's online store: Annual Mean Daily Average Temperature, Total Precipitation, Snowfall, Sea Level...
View Resource Climate of 1999: June-August Drought in the US

The Climate of 1999: June-August, Drought in the US, a special report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, provides extensive data with discussion on the Summer 1999 drought. The report features Palmer Drought Indices, Drought and Streamflow data, historical comparisons, and detailed precipitation and temperature data. The site also contains links to detailed global climate...
View Resource Climate of 2000 - October: US National Analysis

On November 15, 2000, the National Atmospheric and Oceanographic Association (NOAA) released this newest monthly report on the climate of the United States. Global and regional analyses, drought information, and records of extreme climatic events are given for the month of October 2000. Color maps accompany the text.
View Resource National Academies Press: Implementing Climate and Global Change Research

Another free offering from the National Academic Press (NAP), which was created "to publish the reports issued by the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council, all operating under a charter granted by the Congress of the United States." NAP publishes several hundred books a year on a wide range of topics and...
View Resource Northeast Regional Climate Center

NOAA's Northeast Regional Climate Center (NRCC): Climate Data and Products Web site is part of the nationwide network that provides "convenient and timely access to accurate and reliable climate information." The Web sites are described as being "available to assist in interpreting present conditions, quantifying climate variability, and assessing the likelihood of extreme weather events that...
View Resource The Climate of 1999: US and Global Climate Perspectives

The Climate of 1999: June-August, Drought in the US, a special report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, provides extensive data with discussion on the Summer 1999 drought. The report features Palmer Drought Indices, Drought and Streamflow data, historical comparisons, and detailed precipitation and temperature data. The site also contains links to detailed global climate...
View Resource United States Climate Normals

The National Climate Data Center has recently released weather data from the last thirty years, which is used by forecasters to compare day-to-day normal conditions. The daily and monthly reports are available for download in ASCII or PDF formats and include data on such things as average daily temperatures and precipitation from nearly 8,000 weather stations in the United States, Puerto Rico, the...
View Resource University of Wisconsin - Madison: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

The Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at the University of Wisconsin - Madison created this website to present its research in climate systems, satellite and remote sensing, and weather systems using a combination of theory, modeling, and diagnostic assessments. Users can learn how the department is utilizing and creating radiation and remote sensing technology to improve radiative...
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