The Engineering Central website provides a plethora of listings of employment resources for engineers. The website allows users to submit their resume to a resume bank, browse through entry-level jobs, as well as post jobs online. Several links that point to other engineering resources are also provided.
Founded in 1939, the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is the premier contact organization responsible for identifying, developing, maintaining, and publishing technical standards "to manage information in our changing and ever-more digital environment". Their standards apply to both traditional and new technologies to the full range of information needs, such as storage,...
This nice reference guide from Arizona State University's Noble Science and Engineering Library amounts to "an index to selected library and internet resources that contain chemical, physical, thermodynamic, mechanical, toxicological, and safety data." Starting with a list of suggested standard reference sources that may be found in most technical libraries, this reference guide goes on to include...
This is the first Scout Report for Science and Engineering, annotating 22 sites in the fields of natural and physical science, mathematics and engineering.
Seasoned Internauts in engineering fields will recognize this site as the formerly titled Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library (EEVL, see the September 20, 2001 Scout Report). EEVL (which will retain its acronym) has expanded its offerings and now brings users resources in mathematics and computing as well. The site should feel familiar to users of the old EEVL database, but along with the...
Hosted by the Civil Engineering Library at Lund University (Sweden), this recently updated metasite boasts links to over 1,000 online resources of interest to civil engineers, many of them annotated. Resources are grouped in nine categories, including Research/ Education, Subject-Based Resources, Civil Engineering Journals, Organisations/ Institutes, and Discussion Forums, among others. The site...