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Grand Canyon (Ariz.) -- Description and travel.


View Resource Grand Canyon Explorer

Maintained by Bob Ribokas, Grand Canyon Explorer is quite extraordinary for a unaffiliated Web site. Updated regularly, it contains everything from stunning photography and geologic descriptions to information about hiking permits and park trials for users planning a trip. A highlight of the site is the guided tour, which provides descriptions and pictures from the park entrance to the Grand...
View Resource Grand Canyon National Park: On-Line Visitor Center

Come visit the Grand Canyon National Park home page. What's there is pretty neat. Check out the trail descriptions, maps, and don't miss the photos. Nice work by someone who obviously loves the Park.
View Resource Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets

Summertime means vacations for many people, and for many of these sojourning to the American Southwest, this may mean a trip to the brilliance that is the Grand Canyon in northern Arizona. The people at National Geographic certainly know this area quite well, as they have sponsored a number of research expeditions there over the past century or so. Designed as a way to publicize the film that the...
View Resource The Grand Canyon

The first site from, called Lost in the Canyon (1), offers an excellent online learning experience. Visitors learn about John Wesley Powell's expedition down the Colorado River, covered in transcripts from the companion television show and a timeline of Powell's life. Other features include an interactive lesson on running rapids and a look at the unique geologic history of the area. Next,...