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Economics -- United States

Audio-visual aids (1)
Maps (2)
Periodicals (3)
Sociological aspects (2)
Statistics (3)


Economic Indicators

Both scholars and those with a penchant for statistics will want to bookmark this fine website created and maintained by the federal government. The site provides monthly compilations of economic indicators covering prices, wages, production, business activity, purchasing power, credit, money, and Federal finance. Visitors can use the search engine to type in their desired terms, or they can...
Federal Trade Commission

The work of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has been going on since 1914, and this site offers access to information about the agency's regulatory activities and public outreach programs, such as the National Do Not Call Registry program. From the homepage, visitors can file a complaint with the FTC, learn about the world of antitrust regulation, and read transcripts of their most recent...
Fostering Growth Through Innovation: Brookings Institution

On January 13th, 2012, the Brookings Institution convened a panel of experts to discuss economic growth and innovation in the United States. Their number included John Surma of United States Steel, Thomas Connelly of DuPont, and John Bryson, the Secretary of the Department of Commerce. These discussions were videotaped and archived, and this website allows interested parties to view their remarks...
In difficult economic times, libraries become even more popular with the general public

The Santa Barbara Independent Libraries Busy in Faltering Economy The Public Library Renaissance Judge orders libraries to stay open Andrew...
Intellectual Property and the U.S. Economy: Industries in Focus (PDF)

This 76-page report prepared by the Economics and Statistics Administration and the United States Patent and Trademark Office makes the case that, far from being secondary to the task, trademarks and other intellectual property (IP) rights provide the very bedrock by which the United States expands its economy and makes its place in the world. Key findings of the report include the fact that the...
Newark's Manufacturing Competitiveness: Findings and Strategies

Many older industrial cities in the American Northeast continue to ask the question: "What's next?" Will they reboot their local economies by creating arts and culture districts? Will they hope to become start-up hubs? Or perhaps they can attract new knowledge economy workers? This 60-page paper by the Brookings Institution's Nisha Mistry (supported by Jennifer S. Vey and Richard Shearer) looks at...
Pew Research Center: Labor Unions Seen as Good for Workers, Not U.S. Competitiveness

The Pew Research Center for the People & The Press group released this 18-page report on February 17, 2011. The material for the report on the public's perception of unions was gathered during between February 2-7, and in the poll (which surveyed 1385 adults), it was discovered that there was little or no difference regarding opinions about private and public sector unions. Interestingly, the...
Rational Irrationality

The New Yorker has a number of fine blogs that bring together conversations and debates on public art, theater, development strategies, and the state of haute couture throughout the United States and the rest of the world. This particular blog is under the able direction of John Cassidy, who has been a staff writer at the New Yorker since 1995. On the site, Cassidy writes about "politics,...
Taking Back Our Fiscal Future

The long-term fiscal outlook of the United States is the subject of this probing and insightful paper released by The Brookings Institution and the Heritage Foundation in April 2008. Authored by a group of scholars and experts who span the ideological spectrum, they all share "a deep concern about the nation's long-term fiscal outlook." They seem to agree on a number of things, including that...
The Business

Apparently there is still no business like show business, and KCRW Radio in Santa Monica isn't afraid to take on this sprawling sector of American economic and cultural life. The program is hosted by Kim Masters, a former entertainment-industry correspondent for National Public Radio. She's the author of several books on the business, and once a week she hosts this engaging program. Visitors to...
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