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Photography -- Digital techniques -- Exhibitions


How We Are: Photographing Britain

At first glance, the web site for this show of photography at the Tate Britain - the first major exhibition of photography ever to be held at the museum - doesn't seem to include digital version of many photographs from the physical show. There are two albums of historical photos: Mr. & Mrs. Welford's photograph album, and The Ragged School Union, that hold roughly 200 hundred pictures, along...
University of Wyoming Digital Collections

Since 2002, the University of Wyoming's Digital Initiatives program has been crafting carefully considered collections from their vast storehouse of historical ephemera. The Initiative is a member of the Collaborative Digitization Program, and they have worked on projects such as the Rocky Mountain Online Archive and the Wyoming Memory Portal. This site provides access to all of their digital...
ZoneZero: From Analog to Digital Photography

An online resource promoting photography and the digital arts, Zonezero aims to serve as a gathering place for image artists and aficionados of all kinds. While several elements of Zonezero are highly commercialized, directly linking to enterprises marketing to photographers and other consumers of high-end electronics, most of the site could be valuable to anyone interested in learning more about...