This is a fun stop for those who want to keep up on the Web's ever-changing zeitgeist. A project of MIT's Media Laboratory, Blogdex lists the most referred-to sites in Weblog world. That is, Blogdex has a crawler that keeps track of what sites Weblogs are linking to and gives a list of the most popular. Clicking on the who? link brings up the Weblogs that linked to the site in question. Users...
The California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) conducts research on the scientific and technological components needed to "extend the reach of the Internet throughout the physical world." (See also report on Mathematics, Engineering and Technology, March 15, 2002) This section of the Institute website features live webcasts and video footage of guest speakers...
Brought to the Web by The Applied Technologies Group, Inc. (ATG), ITpapers offers users access to more than 23,000 white papers and other documents related to information technology. Holdings here are divided into ten categories, including Corporate Computing, Internet, Software, Hardware, Security, and more. The several layers of subcategories and the summaries of documents make this a very...
Richard C. Rath, HNSource, the Central Information Source for Historians at the University of Kansas started Omnivore in 1994. The Omnivore is a menu of pointers to sources of daily news and information. It is organized in a way to make getting the day's news quick, accurate, and up-to-date, while allowing easy access to background information to whatever depth the reader desires. This is a...
In this guide to locating resources on the Internet, the author describes online catalogs and directories. The methods of information gathering and modes of organization of the major resources such as Yahoo! are described.
This focused Weblog is devoted to "chronicling free to fee and beyond," a neat stop for those of us who have been monitoring the changes in the Web as services struggle to stay afloat when their grant money or venture capital has been used up. The front page to the site gives a week's worth of dated entries (this week including information on,Consumer Reports, Listbot, Napster, and...