LIBLICENSE-L is a moderated list for the discussion of issues related to the licensing of digital information by academic and research libraries. Increasingly, libraries are being inundated with information created in digital format and transmitted and accessed via computers. This list is designed to assist librarians and others concerned with the licensing of information in digital format in...
This article, provided by Walt Crawford of the Research Libraries Group in Online's January 1998 issue, makes a powerful argument that paper will continue to be an indispensible information medium in the forseeable future for both libraries and people in general. Among its conclusions: future information will be available in paper, electronic, linear and hypertext formats, and libraries will...
"The Impact of Electronic Journals on Scholarly Communication: A Citation Analysis," a refereed article by Stephen P. Harter of the University of Indiana, appeared in the Public-Access Computer Systems Review, (Vol. 7, No. 5), and is available. It "reports hard empirical data on the impact of the first wave of e-journals on the scholarly communities they serve. It assesses the extent to which...