Best known for research on high-energy physics, the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, or "Fermilab," hosts a surprising amount of data on flora and fauna. For example, bird lists (for the 6,800 acre Fermilab site) are posted regularly, with links to additional information on each of the 270 species seen on site. Located 40 miles west of Chicago, the Fermilab also records presence of insect...
FERMILAB's Home Page is the place to go to find out about Top Quark, The Nature of Nature, and Fermilab at Work. The Nature of Nature provides a brief overview of high-energy physics, an article on how scientists do high-eneregy physics, and an article on the benefits of high-energy physics research. There is also access to The Drell Panel Report.
"Prospects for the Higgs Discovery at the Tevratron," by M. Roco, was presented at the International Europhysics Conference HEP '99. The report discusses the results of "a Fermilab study of the sensitivity for Higgs boson production at the upgraded Tevratron in Run II." One of the main goals of the Run II at the Tevratron is the search for the Higgs boson.
The D-Zero Experiment is a worldwide collaboration of physics researchers centrally located at the Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory's Tevratron Collider. The experiment focuses on the fundamental nature of matter, with particular attention paid to "precise studies of interactions of protons and antiprotons at the highest available energies." Researchers will be especially interested in the...