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Conflict management


Environmental Security Database

Maintained by the Peace & Conflict Studies Program at the University of Toronto, this database has potential as a powerful research tool for those studying the relationships between environmental stress and violent conflict in developing countries. The database contains information on (but not the text of) over 20,000 items, including books, journal articles, papers, and newspaper clippings. Users...
IGCC: Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation

The Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) Gopher Server offers a wide selection of information about or published by the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, a multicampus research unit of all nine UC campuses plus the Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National Laboratories. It includes interntational relations, environmental, security, and economics...
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation

Since 1983, the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) has worked on research which looks "into the causes of international conflict and cooperation." The Institute draws on scholars from around the University of California system, and they also have a number of visiting scholars from different parts of the world. On their homepage, visitors will notice four...
International Crisis Group

With over 100 staff members on five continents, the International Crisis Group is an independent non-profit organization that is dedicated to utilizing field-based analysis and advocacy "to prevent and resolve deadly conflict". The Group is well-known for its various efforts, and visitors can learn about the current organization and its latest annual report in the "About Crisis Group" section of...
MIT Security Studies Program

Based at the Center for International Studies at MIT, the Security Studies Program is interested in "the integration of technical and political analysis of national and international security problems." Visitors to the site can look over their research agenda, learn about their degree programs, and also look at their interactive calendar. Scholars will definitely want to make their way to the...
United States Institute Of Peace (USIP)

The US INSTITUTE OF PEACE web pages contain information regarding conflict resolution, negotiation theory, and specific resources pertaining ot Northern Ireland and South Africa. There is information on programs and organizations in conflict resolution and peace studies, and a general reference section that includes primarily general government resources. There are also links to journals and...