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United States. Dept. of Defense

Handbooks, manuals, etc. (2)
Security Measures (1)
Terminology. (1)


AERADE: Aerospace and Defense Resources

Cranfield University offers access to over 5,000 quality aerospace and defense resources at this website. Users can easily search the materials by keyword, an alphabetical list, or by subject headings. Armed forces can find a special collection of military and defense sources at DEVISE, a customized subset of the main database. The website furnishes archives of historical reports from the...
Screenshot Today in DoD

Policy analysts, military wonks, and journalists will enjoy this well-developed corner of the U.S. Department of Defense. Here, visitors can learn about each day’s events for the Secretary of Defense and a variety of other military officials. Moving down the page, one can wander through areas that include Speeches, News/Casualty Releases, Press Advisories, and Transcripts. This last area contains...
Department of Defense Social Media Hub

What does the world of social media mean to the Department of Defense? Quite a bit, as it turns out. The growth of online social-networking devices and other related technologies offers great possibilities for communicating with the global public, but there are also "real risks to personal and network security." This site brings together helpful content related to these matters, including best...
Secretary of Defense Annual Reports

Forwarded to the President and Congress annually, the Secretary of Defense's Annual Defense Report serves as "a basic reference document for those interested in national defense issues and programs." The Department of Defense (DOD) Annual Defense Report page contains previous reports to 1995 and an internal search engine.