The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations provides this Website about the role and impact of biotechnology in food and agriculture in developing countries. Features of the site include FAO's Statement on Biotechnology (including a discussion of genetically modified organisms), an overview of FAO's activities (such as providing advice and assistance to member countries,...
The main purpose of GENTECH is to exchange information among concerned scientists, activists of grassroot groups and other organizations about the impacts of genetic engineering to environment and society. As there are several other lists and newsgroups backing scientists in biotechnology with academic information the focal point of GENTECH is to provide information and support for individuals and...
This recent Why Files from the Graduate School at the University of Wisconsin-Madison discusses a study published last fall in the journal Nature, which has since been denounced because of insufficient evidence. The site discusses some of the substance of the original article and some criticisms of it. It then moves into a more general discussion of the scientific method, conflicting data, and...