The Misunderstood Minds project consists of three elements: the PBS documentary, the companion Web site on PBS Online, and the Developing Minds Multimedia Library. A co-production of the Kirk Documentary Group, Ltd., and WGBH Boston, the documentary is a 90-minute film that examines several learning problems and disabilities by following five families who try, together with experts, to solve the...
MIT's Center for Biological and Computational Learning (CBCL) "was founded with the belief that learning is at the very core of the problem of intelligence, both biological and artificial, and is the gateway to understanding how the human brain works and to making intelligent machines." To this end, the research at CBCL takes a multidisciplinary approach by combining mathematics, artificial...
Neuroscientists have discovered more about the brain in the last 20 years than in all of history. However, it's not always easy to synthesize these vast swells of information and put them to use. This course from Annenberg Learner hopes to take what we've learned about how children's brains work, and present it in a way that teachers can use. The course is presented in eight segments, including...