Columbia University offers the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (last mentioned in the February 16, 2001 Scout Report), which specializes in online data and information management, spatial data integration and training, and interdisciplinary research related to human interactions in the environment. Their Data and Information page contains links to data, data...
Advertised as the world's largest environmental information archive on-line... and the clearinghouse of all on-line environmental information. Collections include the Virtual Environmental Library, the Internet Environmental Resource Directory, and the EnviroProducts Directory, containing information about many different environmentally-friendly or "green" products and services.
Michael T. Barbour and colleagues of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provide the second edition of the publication Rapid Bioassessment Protocols For Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, and Fish. The document, which may be downloaded at the site, covers several important topics including "The Concept of Rapid Bioassessment," "Application of Rapid...