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Computers and children

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View Resource KIDLINK: Global Networking for Youth through secondary school age

KIDLINK is a grassroots project aimed at getting as many children in the age group 10-15 as possible involved in a GLOBAL dialog. KIDLINK (sm) is the name of the organization that runs the yearly KIDS-nn projects. The KIDS-96 project will run from May 7, 1995, until May, 1996. Since the start in 1990, over 40,000 kids from 72 countries on all continents have participated in our activities.
View Resource Video Game Serves as Inspiration for Criminal Activity

Last week in southeastern Wisconsin police officers spotted a young man breaking into vehicles in a local apartment complex, and it was subsequently discovered that he and several other youths had stolen approximately 100 vehicles before they were caught. The apparent inspiration for this string of car thefts was a popular video game, in which characters steal cars from parking garages, along with...