Apple Computer offers an Apple Support Area and the Tech Info Library. The support area provides current product information, software updates, the Top 20 Tech Info library articles, information about the Quicktime lawsuit, opendoc, and more. The Tech Info Library contains hundreds of documentation sheets on Apple hardware and software from the Apple II through Lisa to the Mac, including...
On March 16th, 1999, Apple computer made two announcements that indicate radical changes in the direction of its OS. One of these announcements was that Apple is releasing the source code to portions of Mac OS X server. The project, called Darwin, has not only released the foundation layers of the operating system, but established a system of user-contributed modifications to the source. Modeled...
The Gestalt Manager, part of the Mac OS since System 6.0.4, allows applications to know any number of details about the environment (software and hardware) in which they have been launched. The Gestalt Selectors List Overview provides an online list of all currently known selectors and includes a function for searching the database.
Apple released an update to its Mac OS X operating system. The update brought marked performance enhancements and several new features, such as data CD and DVD burning as well as DVD playback; Audio CD burning was added in an earlier update.
Mac OS X (read OS ten) is Apple's next-generation operating system and represents the largest overhaul of the Mac OS to date. Mac OS X promises to bring key technical features such as protected memory (which prevents an individual application from crashing the entire system) to the Macintosh platform for the first time. In addition to completely replacing the underpinnings of the Mac OS, Apple is...
Who doesn't want to know about important new tricks and tips for their Mac? For those who would like to know about such useful information, this site offered by MacWorld is a real find. Visitors can browse Today's Top 9 to see recent additions to the site or perform a keyword search to find specific articles. Users can also take advantage of timely tips for iPods (and related accessories),...
Reporting from the Macworld conference Pete DeVries, Internet Tools Specialist for the Internet Scout Project, describes the challenges facing Apple and the successes it has already had. This is an excellent overview of how Mac OS 7 compares to Windows and Linux operating systems.