The New York State Assembly maintains a vt-100 telnet-based Legislative Information System on the Internet. You can read the full text of a bill, check its status in the legislative process, and even browse the sponsor's Memorandum in Support. You can also review Assembly committee and floor calendars, find out when and where public hearings are being held, and explore the state constitution and...
The New York State Library started digitizing a range of New York government documents in a wonderful online catalog and website. The collection covers a wide range of materials including government surveys, state census results, and first had descriptions of the Native American experience throughout the Empire State. In total, there are twelve collections here, including Laws of New York State...
Created to honor the work and legacy of the late Nelson A. Rockefeller, the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government is dedicated to enhancing "the capabilities of state governments and the federal system to deal effectively with the nation's domestic challenges." Based at the University at Albany, State University of New York, the Institute's website provides policy makers and others with...