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Vegetarians -- Information services


View Resource The Vegetarian Resource Group

The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) is a Baltimore-based, nonprofit organization "dedicated to educating the public on vegetarianism and the interrelated issues of health, nutrition, ecology, ethics, and world hunger." Feature sections on the VRG site include: Vegetarian Nutrition, Vegetarian Recipes, and Vegan Information. The website also links to a free VRG online newsletter, an information...
View Resource Veggies Unite! Vegan recipe database

Online since April 1996, but with new recipes added daily, this vegetarian/vegan resource now offers over 2,000 vegan recipes contributed by its members. While the quality and detail of the recipes vary, the organization of them into a frames-based hierarchy (a no-frames version is available) means that users can easily select a recipe to their liking. There is also a simple search interface....